Sunday, February 26, 2023

Two Sides Of The Same Coin: A Look At Two Cartoonists.

 First, Scott Adams...

Now, Adam Ellis ( notice that the two assholes seem to share the name Adam(s)...

I, for the life of me, can't understand why one type of behavior is seen as perfectly acceptable while the other type of behavior is called out to the point where various outlets will no longer carry his comics in their precious newspapers!

At least Scott Adams is not telling black people to kill themselves!

Again, with Scott Adams I know what I'm dealing with.

Not only that, Scott Adams at least has talent :D

Above photo of Scott Adams from AP News.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

John Russo's Bestie

 Thank you timmysneck Tumblr, zuzia33 Tumblr, cassiesstyles Tumblr, Udonthavlemons IG, and Lipstick Alley for this one...

To be clear, I have no love for Lipstick Alley as they participated in that nonsense about Armie murdering ppl in the desert! 

I suspect it was Lizard...

Only kidding.

A Small Sample Of Feminism Run Amok!


Thank you Theseshipsshallsail and timmysneck=, both from Tumblr for this!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Is TheHackJess Gone?!

 What do you make of this?

I sure hope Jess doesn't think disappearing will get her off the hook!

Oh, and one more thing...

Josh, being the actor Josh Lucas-the father of TheHackJess' son!

And the mike drop...

Thank you so much theonlykas Twitter for this, and for your civic duty :D

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Zenbeast Is Only Pissed Because A Real Journalist Is Taking Away Her Ability To Make Money Off Of Armie Hammer By Reporting The Facts!


OINK OINK The beast bellowed as she dug in her hooves!  


                            God, this woman is so homely! Make-up can't hide ugly-not inside or out! 

Thank you very very much you.a.heather and house.of.lies IG!

Monday, February 20, 2023

This Is Who The Regressive Left Defends!

 Watch Misty lie...

Thank you Jael, TheseShips, Ginger and Dariasp Twitter for the screenshots and insights

How The Regressive Left Twists Their Beliefs In Order To Make Themselves Feel Justified Adolf Hitler did.

Now, can anyone on the left PLEASE explain to me why this is ok?! 

Thank you Truthseeker and JP, both from Twitter

My God! Why Can't You Leave This Man Alone?!


This is really sick! 

Thank you LaterLaterLater2 Twitter for this

No Matter What You Think...

 No matter what you think of this woman, at least with a far-right nut job like this you at least know what you're getting...

She's not some woke asshole who wishes death on an individual and their fans like the steaming piles of left-wing garbage below...

'Nuff said!

Thanks to timmysneck Tumblr for the Laura Loomer screenshots!

houseinhabit Might Have Shit On Her Lawn, But She Seems To Be Cleaning It Up Very Nicely

 Hopefully, now that Effie has pissed her off this kind of work will continue...

This is what you get Effie, for telling houseinhabit IG that you hope she gets raped!

Thank you zuzia33, timmysneck and chaneladdict2point0  all from Tumblr.

Thank you Team Armie UK2 for this!

The Kind Of People That Adam Ellis And Zoe Rose Bryant Support!

 Misty has ludicrous logic, if you can even call it that...

This, according to Effie.   Please.

Now, let's take a look at the company Effie keeps...

Thank you Team Armie UK and Risa, both from Twitter.

Adam Ellis Is A Woke Piece Of Garbage...

 This asshole is Adam Ellis...

The only thing that makes this white man special is the fact that he's gay.

His comics SUCK!!!!

This bully apparently likes to tell ppl to kill themselves.

I know that there is something in your background that you don't want ppl to know about.

You are a gay man living in Brooklyn with an account on OnlyFans.

You are a piece of garbage, and you better watch your step.

Before you're the one attempting suicide.

I'm not threatening you.

I don't need to.

Assholes like you always have something to hide.


You need Patreon in order to get your stupid comics made.



Oh, I hear you live in Brooklyn, which has become a bastion of gentrification.

Gentrification being when ppl who have lived there for years are pushed out by mostly white, woke carpetbaggers with too much money-the kind of ppl who talk about the poor but who don't like the smell of the poor as the poor and working class are the ones who ppl like Adam Ellis and Julia Morrison displaces.  

I don't like you Adam Ellis, and as a native New Yorker ( unlike you or Julia probably ) I don't like the idea of you being here.

So, let me give you a word of advice.

Go back to where you came from, and take Julia with you, please.

In other words...


And as the late great King of Pop once said...


See.  What did I tell you.  

His artwork sucks.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Shout It Through The Rooftops!

 I support Armie Hammer! 

And if you don't like it you can lump it!

Please give this woman kudos for this work! 

Thank you 2ndChance4Armie YouTube for this!

Something Rotten In The State Of Denmark

 Exactly who was it that called in the request for the restraining order...?

Thank you D Twitter for this!  

More About The Yellow Journalist With The Appropriated First Name

 Unlike this hack bitch we Armie supporters actually do our homework...

Thank you D Twitter for this information!

And Ditto to what Truthseeker Twitter says!

houseinhabit Has A Huge Shit On Her Lawn...

 ...and it was left there by The Ex From The Black Lagoon!


Does anyone have a Pooper Scooper?

Thank you very much Udonthavlemons IG for this screenshot!

Thank you very much Silvyysthings Tumblr for sharing this1
