THE RED CEREMONY: Examining the Smear Campaign Against Armie Hammer!
Monday, February 24, 2025
Thursday, February 20, 2025
How Wonders Never Cease...
What was used as a way to shame an individual is now in style.
Fucking unbelievable.
Credit to you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.
It's Tiresome How Some Idiots Still Need Clarification.
This is so pathetic. Specify "dark," please.
Armie will never have this bitch on his show.
Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.
Friday, February 14, 2025
youcameforme_karmasabitch, Mind Your Own Fucking Business And Lay The Fuck Off Of Armie!
Number one, you lost me when you added Armie into this mix.
Leave Armie the fuck out of this shit.
He is not a weirdo.
Do your research on his case before you go around saying stupid things that you know nothing about.
The only weirdo here is you.
Insisting on telling a parent how to raise their kid.
I really don't understand the sense of entitlement that ppl have these days of invading someone's social media and telling them how to raise their fucking kids.
Get a life, kiddo.
Create some meaning in your sad existence.
Armie's son is not your son, nor will he ever be.
Just STFU, mind your own business and get your facts straight.
Oh, and just for the record, plenty of parents kiss their kids on the mouth-especially in places like Europe.
Nothing incestuous about it, dear.
Just thought you ought to know.
Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshot.
The Hypocrisy Of PETA.
When the left can't get ridiculous enough...
Let's get one thing perfectly clear.
Armie was referring to a hunting trip that he was taken on AS A CHILD!
As far as I know, Armie is not a hunter.
This is so easy for you guys to do, picking at the low-hanging fruit.
This is also a perfect glimpse into why Trump won.
Your purity tests are alienating, that's for damn sure.
Speaking of failing purity tests...
Studies show that killing animals in shelters does nothing to lower the population of animals.
What lowers the population is giving them a procedure so that they can't reproduce.
There is a blog that talks, in detail, about the utter hypocrisy of this sham organization. I will put the link on the side of the blog.
I actually had an answer for those assholes on their IG account...
I'm povidencemine, the first commenter.
I'm all about showing some love on IG.
Real men protect the vulnerable, you say?
Armie does that.
He protects his children.
PETA destroys the lives of companion animals while fighting for the lives of city rats!
True story!
The utter nerve!
For the record, I've never liked PETA.
I've always found their grandstanding to be vomit-inducing, as well as their sexist campaign against wearing fur.. know " I'd rather go naked than wear fur" bullshit.
For the record, I've reported PETA to the IG administrators.
Now that Meta has gone for Trump, maybe PETA will be sanctioned.
Credit to you.a.heather for the first screenshot.
The second one is my own.
Botta Bing Botta Bang, PETA!!!!!
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Louis Theroux Can Learn A Thing Or Two From This Writer.
An intelligent article on Armie Hammer and cancel culture.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
TMZ Continues With Their Bullying And Silliness.
Check out this latest in foolishness from that bowl movement of clickbait.
And we wonder why Donald Trump became president...
Mind you, this was when Armie was talking about the time as a child when he was taken hunting and ate a deer's heart, which is tradition in hunting.
Jesus Fucking Christ, TMZ is so collectively dumb and pathetic.
All this for fucking clickbait.
Thank you! That's exactly what it is.
TMZ needs to get their facts straight before they publish anything.
Just wow.
Credit to you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.
It's safe to say who the "source" is in this article, because if you listened to the podcast ( link is in the sidebar ) Armie...
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