Friday, September 30, 2022
We Will Not Be Silenced!
Know this!
No matter how many accounts you report, no matter how many times you may bully us, you can not stop the truth from coming out!
We will defend this beautiful piece of work of a man to the ends of this earth!
Believe this, Lizard!
Your witch's coven will not stop us!
Screenshot by me!
You're A Mean One, Lizard
When Team Armie UK IG talks about your smear campaign against your ex, you get scared and report the account for only telling the truth! Case in point:
"Extraordinary Mother!"
Let's hear it for the "extraordinary mother" Lizard Chambers, who fought hard to keep Armie's children away from him while he filed for joint custody!
Screenshots by lizard40.liarsandfakers IG
Night Of The Iguana, Part Seven
Extraordinary mother of what...?
Screenshots by lizard40.liarsandfakers IG, house.of.lies IG santas_buttercup IG and Udonthavlemons IG
Thursday, September 29, 2022
House Of Twists Make Intellectual Somersaults On The Elizabeth Chambers Leak!
One of our least favorite trolls are back:
To be clear, we did not brush your assertion aside.
We simply called it bullshit.
Thank you Team Armie UK 2 Twitter for this.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Liz, You Fucked Up
A report from a very impartial and fair source.
Oh, and BTW, I don't believe she reported this 'assault' to the cops.
It's nowhere in the news that I could see.
Report by isarmiehammerinnocent IG
Thanks to Loominya, Risako and Truthseeker all on Twitter!
It's safe to say who the "source" is in this article, because if you listened to the podcast ( link is in the sidebar ) Armie...
First off, if you had a gun to your head I would gladly pull the fucking trigger on you, Asshole! Maybe you should read the fucking AirMa...
Not one, but two unscrupulous employees stealing money from Lizzie Borden's bakery?! To be fair, Lizzie Borden was the victim of these...