Saturday, March 30, 2024

If At First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again...

 Take a look at this shit!

I never knew that Lizzie Borden was actually trying to become an actress-like another failed actress named Casey Hammer!

I guess she feels that this new stupid reality show is going to give her the stardom that she feels she so richly deserves, and she will do it at Armie's expense!

If the past two years were truly behind you, you wouldn't be doing this show-or House of Hammer, or this toxic ex your brewing up in your vile, putrid cauldron!

Let's be clear, Lizzie Borden-the divorce was very public because you made it very public! 

You didn't have to go there, but you did!

Another thing we can be clear about is that Perez Hilton is a good friend of Lizzie Borden!

Interesting the sentences that are carefully selected in order for them to stand out!

THE LIES!!!!!!!     THE LIES!!!!!!!     THE LIES!!!!!!!!!    THE LIES!!!!!!!    THE LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  The reviews are in, and the public thus far is giving the show a thumbs down!

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Lizzie Borden Uses Armie's Name To Push Her Sewer Trash Show.

 Lizzie Borden is nothing without Armie, and she knows it...

                                The man behind JustJared is also a good friend of Lizzie Borden's!

When in the hell will ppl see through this woman?!

Credit to you.a.heather IG

Lizzie Borden Knows The Truth...

 What a pathetic piece of little psychotic shit she is...

I think we can all know that Lizzie Borden is a psychopath! 

She will never stop hounding this man until she has him buried in the ground.

The truth of the matter is, Lizzie, is that if you really knew "the truth" about the scandal, then you would have been more than willing to sit down with James Kirchick to answer the questions that he had for you!

You would have given an immediate response to Armie's interview in AirMail, which you never did!

You would NOT wait until you have a little shitty reality show to talk about your "truth"!

When nut job Dylan Farrow wrote that garbage op-ed about daddy Allen molesting her as a little innocent, Woody Allen immediately answered Dylan with an op-ed of his own-completely discrediting his dingbat lying daughter!

That's how you do it.

Credit to you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Web Of Lies, All Spun By The Black Widow Herself-Lizzie Borden!


For the record, you blithering idiot (righteoushippie) Armie's supposed cannibal fetish has been disproven as those DMs are fake.  Know the truth or be an asshole.  Clearly, you chose the latter.

Also, I am so sick and tired of women making excused for women who do bad things.  Lizard did a bad thing-accept this fact!

kittykatwild, I think you know the truth.   Effie has been discredited roundly.  If the rumor is true about these emails, then why fall back on "believing women"?!   


I remember this woman.  She is a member of Lizzie Borden's coven and she has lied for Lizzie on several occasions.  If indeed this former friend had ceases and desists then show evidence of this.  The evidence never saw the light of day.

I would not be surprised if JoJo is Lizzie herself because Lizzie has been known to answer her own asks on IG, according to a former boyfriend and his new lady love.

Loads of bullshit, no doubt.  Lizzie Borden is a psychopath, make no mistake about it.   She will never stop because she is incapable of doing so.   How Armie put up with her for so many years is beyond me.

Make no mistake!  YOU made this about Armie!  YOU destroyed his hard earned career that YOU had nothing to do with!  YOU did this!  YOU, LIZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now,  I found this bit of information to be VERY interesting...

Truth to tell, ppl in the Caymen Islands will manage to get information to the show one way or another-and Lizzie Borden will pay dearly when that happens...

To be continued...

Credit to arrowstp IG.

Look Who's Back!

 It's Aunty Non-Entity...

Credit to arrowstp IG.

Lizard Doesn't Like Her Show...

Someone is not happy...

You did this to yourself, Lizzie Borden!

Now, there is someone who is happy with the show...

Thank you to arrowstp IG for these screenshots.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Courtney Runs A Successful Beauty App Business...

 Oh, really...?

Talk about the sickening sweet smell of "success."

Thank you, arrow stop IG for this amusing bit of information.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Nail Finally Hit The Coffin, Don't You Think?

 Hammered in the coffin, I would say...

Out of an 80million dollar budget...

The following video is from a cultural critic who I greatly respect, named Dave Cullen.  In this video he talks about how Dakota Johnson gets candid about how bad Madame Web is, and of how Hollywood needs to do better.  Dave Cullen lets it be known that he "respects" her for her honesty and that the audience will do the same towards her.   I personally think she's digging her own grave by speaking out against the film, potentially alienating future producers from ever wanting to hire her in any future projects.

Dave Cullen and members of the audience might "respect" her for what she's doing, but the executives in Hollywood won't.

It's not the audience nor Dave Cullen that hire her for film roles.

It might be the audience and Dave Cullen who respect Dakota's honesty about the state of film, but these are the same ppl who didn't bother to see Madame Web in the first place.


The last time that I can remember an actor bad mouthing a movie that they were starring in on its release was Tanya Roberts back in 1984 when the film Sheena: Queen of the Jungle came out.  Granted, she was cast as a Bond girl in A View to a Kill which came out the following year, but her film career proved to be less than spectacular-and no one can tell me that her blistering of Sheena when she was supposed to be promoting the film didn't hurt her!  Of course, it did!

So, it's much respect from a YouTuber and members of the audience.

But, it's Bye Bye Dakota from those who truly matter...

and they are the movie executives...

Thank you Dave Cullen and Box Office Mojo.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Dakota, Honey. You're Not Helping Things.

 Poor, poor Dakota...

She is trying so hard to distance herself from this flop of a movie that she's starring in, that she's actually hurting herself in the process.

Apparently, Dakota Johnson has been consistently bad-mouthing Madame Web to anyone who is willing to listen-angering the people at Sony as well as the people responsible for making and pushing the film.

Dakota thinks that just because she switched agents, that she can continuously vomit up her bilge about the Marvel movie.

Two things that MS. Johnson simply doesn't get because she's either too stupid, or too hard-headed to understand:

First, Dakota is the face of the film!  She can try to run from that fact, but she can't.  Period.

Second, Dakota is creating a situation where she is angering the big bosses responsible for the making of her starring vehicle.

In other words, she's angering HER EMPLOYERS!

Now, let me ask you a question.

What usually happens when you anger your employers?

You get fired.  

Word spreads around that you are a lousy employee.

You don't get hired again, not by the original employers...

...nor by any potential future employers.

Dakota Johnson is messing things up for herself, big time.

Who the fuck would want to hire her again after such stupid actions?

I wouldn't, that's for damn sure!

Now, she can shut the fuck up if she knows what's good for her.

But, I think it's a bit too late in the game.

The damage is done.

The footage of Dakota blabbing away about how lousy the film is, is all over the internet.

Once something is done, it cannot be undone.

And you can't always blame misogyny for your fuck ups, either.

Good Luck to your future, Dakota Johnson.

You're gonna need it.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

She Gets By With A Little Help From Her Friends...

 Want to be a somebody?

All you have to do is use your connections in the media to create garbage shows that stomp on your ex husband!

Female mediocrity has come of age! 

Four hours this was posted and it only got 265 likes and 15 comments?

Credit to arrowstp IG.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Letty and e. Stupid Together.

 Hey, asshole!  

If Armie Hammer wasn't bothering you, why then would you post something so stupid and inane about you not being the person sitting next to him while he's minding his own business!


Agreed!  Photos, or it didn't happen! 

e.  Can you please specify what you consider a weirdo?

I know I can specify it for myself with no problem.

A weirdo is someone who enjoys making fun of a man while intruding into his personal business that is not their goddamned business!

A weirdo is a vanilla asshole who judges a man because he is into kink and believes that everyone's sex life should resemble their own.

A weirdo is someone who is no longer a fan of an actor because he doesn't neatly fit into a phony boy next door image ( who the fuck does ).

A weirdo is someone who doesn't seem to understand that artistic types-actors, artists, musicians, etc-are weirdos simply because they follow the beat of a different drummer and are therefore prone to living lifestyles that are not the typical bourgeoise or working class lifestyle that you are accustomed to living. 

In other words, e....

The fucking weirdo is YOU.

Look in the mirror, cunt.

Sidewalkchalk6, seriously?!

A grown ass woman who plays with sidewalk chalk?

Who's the weirdo now, dearie :P

Thank you to you.a.heather IG for the presentation of all of this nonsense.
