Friday, August 23, 2024

@trustmebro45 Is The Last Person Who Should Be Judging Armie!

Anyone who thinks that Lizzie Borden is beautiful must be legally blind, but then again anyone is beautiful next to Dumbo!😏

 @trustmebro45 is gross!  She is a fat, ugly parasite and looks like she has a taste for younger men(like Lizzie Borden herself).  However, the man who she's with looks like he's 12 years old.


This fat bitch obviously refuses to know the truth.  The only psychopath in all this mess is the one she's cheering on here, and Armie is NOT a cannibal, which has been established up and down the block!   She also shows a real lack of concern for the kids considering that it was Lizzie Borden herself who endangered the children!  Has this obese cunt ever wondered how Armie was able to co-parent with Ol' Lizzie in the first place?! Has she ever thought about the fact that maybe the things said about Armie were all lies?!  No, of course not!

Ppl like @trustmebro45 would have been outcasts years ago, and she should be one now but it seems to be trendy to be a loser these days.

Just look at this...

This woman is a MONSTER and a FREAK,  daring to judge a man who would not give her the time of day, and deep down she knows this.   Just look at the loser in the picture with her-this is the best she will ever do!

This woman is supporting a woman who is herself a psychopath.   This woman is supporting a woman who eats her own children by putting them in danger.  Just look over at Effie's IG and X accounts where she continues to wish rape on Armie's daughter.  Lizzie did that.  Lizzie invited that in.

I think you should be asking how you should not fall in love with and have kids with someone like Lizzie Borden, you lardass!

You are so stupid and gullible that you should be harpooned into extinction, as the world can truly do without subhumans like yourself.

I truly hope, that in my heart of hearts, that you and your little brown boyfriend get antibiotic resistant gonorrhea and you both drop like flies 😏

Also, make no mistake!  Lizzie Borden wouldn't give you the time of day either.  Take a look at her friends.  Do ANY of them look like you?  Old, dimply and fat?  She's just playing you along because you believe her lies.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

A reality show that you fully participated in and walked off of!  Not real?!  Yeah, got it Lizzie Borden.

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.
