Monday, September 16, 2024

I Murder So That I May Come Back.

 Lizzie Borden is back in L.A. full force...

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.

Saturday, September 14, 2024


 You've truly got to be kidding me!

What fucking fandom?!  The Chopstick Gams Society?! 

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Lizzie Borden Ramps Up Her Stupid PR, And Gets It Wrong.


Seriously, What in the Godddamed Fuck is it now?!   I am so sick and tired of this bitch!

Lizzie Borden probably took a shit on the carpet.

More bullshit to come, that's for sure...

Credit to arrowstp IG and you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lizzie Borden Knows Her Sources...


Let's take a closer look, shall we?

Armie looks so done with Lizzie.   Unfortunately, he can't get rid of her.

This is disgusting how this writer is making it sound like they are moving in together.

See what I mean?   Lizzie Borden is sick.  Is this why she's wearing those shorts, so that Armie can see how "good" she looks?  Blech!

She has the worst legs known to man, and she honestly thinks she looks good.

You know who!  We all do!

The young man mention here left her a while back, back in 2023 I believe.

Credits to arrowstp IG and you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.

I Murder So That I May Come Back.

 Lizzie Borden is back in L.A. full force... Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.