Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving From Lizzie Borden And Some Idiots From Daily Fail!


soundoftownhall and cindyloohoo really get my goat! 

Soundoftownhall is the first idiot I'm going to address!

 Number one, Armie's "bad behavior" was not bad behavior!  You might have the sexuality of a cloister nun but there are others who don't!  He did nothing wrong!  Number two, to say that Lizzie Borden should go away too implies that she should disappear along with Armie!  How dare you! You seem to know that Lizzie Borden betrayed Armie but you still think that Armie is guilty of hurting women.  That being the case, why are you disgusted with him being sat up then.  He's a bad person but it was terrible that he was set up-MAKE UP YOUR DANMED MIND!!!   Know your facts about the case before you make a comment about it!  Oh, and BTW, I agree that Lizzie Borden should go away-but then again so should you!  Dumbass!  You didn't have a problem with Ol Lizzie using her ex husband's "bad behavior" did you, as you followed and sniffed out the whole "scandal" former more dirt, just to satisfy your sick need to invade a man's privacy-and for your own sick sense of entertainment!  You sick fuck! 

Now cindyloohoo is next! 

Reserve your sympathy for the children, not this one.  Interesting.  You, like all of the other assholes who followed Armie's nightmare, lapped this shit up like alley dogs in third world countries and simply couldn't get enough!  You even tuned in to that stupid reality show hoping to get more dirt on Armie from her, am I right?!   If you truly had any "sympathy for the children" then you would not have followed the story! You would not have clicked on articles on the internet!  You would not have tuned in to any stupid tv report nor picked up a periodical!  And you would not have tuned in to that reality show!  You would have respected the privacy of the children by respecting the privacy of their father-and you didn't do that! You remind me of the idiot who claims to care about the economy while voting for Trump! 

Utter hypocrisy from you both! 


See this?  Even this loathsome character is suspicious of this story!

Credit to arrowstp IG and you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.
