Friday, November 15, 2024

Stupid Is As Stupid Does...


How utterly stupid can you be!  

Had this fool been living under a rock for three fucking years?!

For three long years SM and the MSM have done nothing but show those altered DMs for everyone to see!  

If you want to see them, I'm sure googling for them will do the trick!  

That way, @100gallonsoilspill, you can masturbate over these DMs until your sick little heart is content!

Judging from that picture of you on your profile, I'll bet you're creepy enough to do it too-juicing over private DMs between consensual adults that were not meant for public view.

BTW, Paige and Courtney aren't prostitutes.

Only Effie is.

Credit to you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.
