Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Not So Great Pretender Gets More of her Cheap Five Minutes.

 What a disgusting whore...

I'll tell you who Julia Morrison is.

She is a failed post modern artist.

She is a failed singer.

She is a failed actress ( even has a profile on that movie data base website )

She is an opportunist.

She is a bully.

She is a sociopath.

She is a dime store witch.

Which spells for me that...

She is a not so great pretender!


You have your answer.

Source from you.a.heather

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Ladies and Gentleman, The Boob.

 Monika Krasnorada used to be Armie Hammer's biggest fan.  That love turned to hate when, during the run of the play Straight White Men that he appeared in, he was signing autographs backstage when she demanded that he sign her naked boobs with a Sharpie pen.   Armie flatly refused, as this was a very inappropriate request.  Her fandom turned to hatred, and her path took her on a tirade of defamation as she wrote nasty little rumors about her former fav on websites of her creation like The Fall Of Armie Hammer and armiehammershouldkillhimself.


Now, I want you all to take a look at the next screenshot here.

Screenshots from Udonthavlemons you.a.heather. and armiehammerevidence.

Monday, August 29, 2022

The Not So Great Pretender, Part Three

One thing I need to say here. The young woman describes Hammer's fetishes as "weird," but what is really weird to me is that the public doesn't think it's weird that they judge a man by his sexual fantasies that were not meant for public consumption in the first place.

The Not So Great Pretender, Part Two.

 Julia Morrison shows her righteous hypocrisy.

When a smart young woman said that the women were free to leave, this young man added more words of truth!

Screenshots credits to Sour Sisters In Lies and House of Lies.

The Not So Great Pretender.

 Take a good long look at this forlorn young woman.  This is Julia "Jelly" Morrison.  She is a failed post-modern artist, singer and actress  who had one conversation with actor Armie Hammer.  

On September 2nd, Discover Plus will try to convince you that she is the actor's ex girlfriend when in reality they never met.

Now, I want you to contrast this forlorn woman with the next images that appeared on her IG pages until she decided to delete her posts:

These photos show the real Julia Jelly Morrison! There is nothing vanilla or innocent about this bitch.
She has the fetish, just like the main accuser Effie does-but yet Armie is the cannibal?  Yeah, right.

Photos showing the real Julia Morrison are  from the IG account, Sour Sisters in Lies.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Words From A Compassionate And Fair Man.


Thank you, Ginger1982Tumblr :D

Gotta Love Female Hypocrisy And The Mediocrity That Goes With It!


"What's more ubiquitous and of the zeitgeist than a horny rich dude sliding into a girl's DM?"

-Julia "Jelly" Morrison.  

How interesting that you would say that, dear. 

How interesting that it was your work that drew this "horny rich dude" to your stupid Instagram account.

You displayed yourself to the public like the common little twit that you are.

You created the content to be displayed, and it was you who put it up there for the whole fucking world to see.

And he's the only horny one, eh?

You are not too hard to figure out, as you are clearly the kind of female who gets off showing both her body and her sexual proclivities to the world.

But he's the only horny one in this tale.


Dear, I will make it my mission to show the world what you really are.

A failed artist, singer, actress, and complete asshole extraordinaire who is more than willing to destroy an innocent man for your reeking and stinking benefit.

How dare you, bitch! 

You have deleted all of your incriminating DMs just in time for your appearance on that so-called documentary, but as the saying goes...


The curse that you cast onto Hammer, you know, the one where you call him a "low-level aristocrat"is coming back to you tenfold.

Believe that!

You know, even that other fake victim and creepy stalker Effie doesn't like you.  She thinks you're a stalker and opportunist.   She feels you stole her 'story' and she's probably right.  Not that I have a problem with you nest of accusers tearing at each other like rabid dogs, because I don't. 

In the near future I will be showing DMs of you showing your true self as the cannibal slut that you are.

Soon, dear.

Real soon.



Julia "Jelly" Morrison Was Never Armie Hammer's Ex!

 In the upcoming documentary hit piece House of Hammer Julia Morrison is introduced to us as his ex girlfriend.  This is a lie, as you will see in this interview from White Hot Magazine: 

As you see plainly see in this interview, Morrison only had one conversation with Armie, and that was on Instagram. Period.

Oh, by the way, this is the old geezer who interviewed her:


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Hypocrisy of Johnny Depp Supporters.

 Throughout this journey that I've taken on defending Armie Hammer there has always been something that has truly bothered me.

I've noticed that many Johnny Depp supporters, while being great champions for their idol, have been downright hostile to mine.

I can't tell you just how many supporters of Johnny Depp have gone over to Armie Hammer support accounts and have left ugly comments.

I was blown away by the hypocrisy. 

I really didn't understand it. 

I have reached out to many YouTubers who have supported Johnny Depp to at least take a look at Hammer's case.


It seemed to me that, after awhile, it wasn't really about seeking justice for a framed man so much that it was simply about fighting for their guy and their guy only.

Sad, because ever since I looked into Armie's case, it made me look at other cases as well-including that of Mr. Depp's.

I believed Mr. Depp was innocent, and it was proven in court!

I believed in Michael Jackson's guilt, and didn't want to hear anything that would contradict that belief. I saw Leaving Neverland and thought it was gospel. 

I believed for the longest time that Woody Allen was guilty and I thought people questioning Mia Farrow's sanity were being sexist and condescending.

I didn't even pay any attention to Marilyn Manson, frankly.

Armie Hammer's case changed all that for me. 

I started looking into the above mentioned cases of MJ, WA, and MM and I found all of them wanting of any real solid evidence that pointed to their "guilt."

And to be clear, I am not a fan of either one of these men. I personally am not moved by their work.

But I believe in being fair, and I believe in justice.

However, something funny has begun to happen on the way to the forum of truth.

Seems like Johnny Depp supporters (not all of them to be fair) are now getting the treatment that they gave both to Armie Hammer and to Marilyn Manson.

The mainstream media, feminists and blue checkers are ignoring the vindication in court and are choosing to up the ante, if you will, on their defamation against their idol.

I don't think it's right. I think it's downright disgusting. 

Orwellian is a perfect description here.

Again, I want the truth. It's not about who you approve of or who you don't approve of.

I despised Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia when he was alive, but when people tried to spread rumors about him being a pedophile after his death at some ranch resort I chose to reject that idea because there was no evidence to support it. I also chose to reject those very same rumors about Rush Limbaugh because, again, no evidence.

One needs to look at what is there and what is not there.

So now, Johnny Depp is being treated the way his idolators have treated Hammer and Manson by the mainstream media, blue checkers and feminists...

...and they have the bigger platform don't they.

Just like Depp supporters had the bigger platform and more supporters.

So, tell me Depp idolators...

how does it feel?

Not too good, right?

I'll bet.

I'll just bet.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

THE RED CEREMONY: Examining The Smear Campaign Against Armie Hammer!

The Red Ceremony: Examining The Smear Campaign Against Armie Hammer!

The Red Ceremony, or Petro Iwa, is a ritual in Haitian Voodoo where participants work to appease the spirits that are more aggressive and dark in nature through singing and dancing to rhythmic drumming, giving  offerings which include animal sacrifice and corporeal possession.

Why begin the title to this blog as such, you may ask.

It is the belief of this blog administrator that the mainstream media has been appeasing to women and men of questionable moral repute who have been making false claims of sexual assault with no evidence to back up their claims.

Oprah Winfrey is a perfect example of what I’m talking about here, as she gave her platform to Wade Robson and James Safechuck, two known discredited shysters who lied about being sexually abused by the late singer Michael Jackson.  What was even more disturbing about this was that Mr. Jackson had given Oprah Winfrey full access to him for a few days worth of interviews.  

The Jackson Clan has been vocal about their feelings of betrayal on this matter.

A second example, and one that particularly disturbs me, is the fact that the mainstream media 

to this day refuses to accept the fact that Johnny Depp was fully vindicated in a televised court of law yet still chooses to champion the much discredited Amber Heard.  

It is no less than Orwellian.

The title of this blog is an apt description of what is going on in the #metoo bowel movement, and it is on this blog that we will examine the allegations against actor Armie Hammer in a way that the mainstream media has refused to do.  We will look at the allegations, the players, the holes in their stories, the evidence…


Believe that.


I’m old enough to remember an unfortunate time in the 1980s when The Satanic Abuse Scare was rounding up innocent daycare workers with false accusations of child sexual abuse.  As a New Yorker there was one case that caused a stir in the Tri-state area ( NY, NJ, Conn.) and that was the Wee Care Day Nursery in Maplewood, NJ where a 22 year old teacher named Margaret Kelly Michaels was wrongly convicted of child abuse and spent five years in prison before her conviction was overturned. 

The allegations in Michael’s case and all of the other cases were sadly all too similar in their utter ludicrousness in plausibility: sticking utensils in the children’s orifces, having sexual orgies with the children, defecating and urinating in front of the children while they smeared themselves and each other with the bodily waste, playing twisted versions of childhood games with the children while everyone, including the teacher, was naked.

In some cases, like in the McMartin McMartin case in California, claims of blood drinking and human sacrifice-claims that, in spite of the impossibility of it all, were believed by the majority of the public at the time.

30 years pass, more or less.

It’s January 2021 and I google the name of an actor who I have become a fan of, Armie Hammer. 

Suddenly, unbelievable and outright goofy allegations of cannibalism, vampirism, physical and sexual abuse of women, love bombing like a cult leader, grooming grown-ass women, and branding women like property, are all over the internet.

Later on, the claims become more and more ugly, bizarre and downright sad.

These claims included rape, child molestation (including that of his own daughter), killing and eating animals,  human trafficking and even murder that  became part of this toxic mix.

All this nonsense that belies credibility, and the mainstream media reported on this case without any kind of healthy skepticism that should be the mainstay of journalism.  

This was just like The Satanic Scare in the 1980s, and it all smelled pretty fowl to me.

 I decided to do some research myself, since the internet allows you to do that right at your fingertips and from the privacy of your own home.  I just know that I couldn’t be the only one out here or there who smelled something rotten about this case. 

So, I sat down in front of my computer, googled ‘Armie Hammer is Innocent’ and found some social media accounts that disputed the insane claims-Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  It took a while, but I did find them.

I was blown away by what I discovered: fake DMs, Altered DMs, inconsistent claims, an ex with sociopathic tendencies, etc.  Looking at all of this evidence really hit me with morbid wonder.

Man, I really jumped into the rabbit hole didn’t I.

The only problem that I had with all of this information was that it was all on separate social media sites, where one site might have more information than another site and didn’t come together in one cohesive whole.  Some places I couldn’t get to at all because I didn’t have an Instagram account, though I was able to see much of this information because they were re-tweeted by people who had both a Twitter and an Instagram account.  There was an account on Facebook that gave the latest news on Armie Hammer but that was all, which was fine if that was all you were looking for.  In my humble opinion, I didn’t feel as if this information was reaching everyone because not everyone is on social media and social media can make it hard for lurkers to explore the pages if one is not an account carrier. 

I wanted to change that. I used to be on social media but I thought it a wasteful endeavor,  so I left.  I wouldn’t even be lurking on social media if it wasn’t for this stupid case that didn’t have to be, quite frankly.  

I would like to be clear here.  I think that these social media accounts have done an incredible job in supporting and educating people out there in the #metoo hoax against Armie Hammer.   However, I believed that even more people would be reached if there was a blog/website on the subject.

So, I decided to become an administrator to this blog.  I wanted to try to reach a wider audience of people who may not be on social media, nor want to be. I also wanted to get all these talented internet sleuths together in one place like a “one stop shopping” site for all the evidence including the faked and altered DMs, statements and interviews that contradict “facts,”-to be all here for your own deep dive into the case.

I will tell you what will not be here though.


They will be disabled.

No joke.  

No kidding.

I’ve seen all of the comments on social media and on news sites with all of the nastiness, viciousness, sarcasm that’s supposed to be humorous, the bullying.

I empathically refuse to engage with the trolls, simps, useless idiots, woker brokers, feminazis, and gaslighters who will not consider the facts presented here.

As Roger Murtaugh said in the film Lethal Weapon, “ I’m too old for this shit.”

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit the blog.  These sleuths worked very hard in their work and you will be able to see that for yourself.  

Take a dive, and be ready to get educated for a change.

See the truth beyond the balderdash and flapdoodle of the mainstream media, cancel culture, wokeism and #metoo.

Thanks again


Fuck You #metoo!  

Will There Ever Be A Time When Clarification Is No Longer Needed?!

Tunison is right, people are quite obtuse.  I will go even further to say that being canceled doesn't necessarily mean forever, nor do I...