Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Ladies and Gentleman, The Boob.

 Monika Krasnorada used to be Armie Hammer's biggest fan.  That love turned to hate when, during the run of the play Straight White Men that he appeared in, he was signing autographs backstage when she demanded that he sign her naked boobs with a Sharpie pen.   Armie flatly refused, as this was a very inappropriate request.  Her fandom turned to hatred, and her path took her on a tirade of defamation as she wrote nasty little rumors about her former fav on websites of her creation like The Fall Of Armie Hammer and armiehammershouldkillhimself.


Now, I want you all to take a look at the next screenshot here.

Screenshots from Udonthavlemons you.a.heather. and armiehammerevidence.
