Thursday, August 25, 2022

Gotta Love Female Hypocrisy And The Mediocrity That Goes With It!


"What's more ubiquitous and of the zeitgeist than a horny rich dude sliding into a girl's DM?"

-Julia "Jelly" Morrison.  

How interesting that you would say that, dear. 

How interesting that it was your work that drew this "horny rich dude" to your stupid Instagram account.

You displayed yourself to the public like the common little twit that you are.

You created the content to be displayed, and it was you who put it up there for the whole fucking world to see.

And he's the only horny one, eh?

You are not too hard to figure out, as you are clearly the kind of female who gets off showing both her body and her sexual proclivities to the world.

But he's the only horny one in this tale.


Dear, I will make it my mission to show the world what you really are.

A failed artist, singer, actress, and complete asshole extraordinaire who is more than willing to destroy an innocent man for your reeking and stinking benefit.

How dare you, bitch! 

You have deleted all of your incriminating DMs just in time for your appearance on that so-called documentary, but as the saying goes...


The curse that you cast onto Hammer, you know, the one where you call him a "low-level aristocrat"is coming back to you tenfold.

Believe that!

You know, even that other fake victim and creepy stalker Effie doesn't like you.  She thinks you're a stalker and opportunist.   She feels you stole her 'story' and she's probably right.  Not that I have a problem with you nest of accusers tearing at each other like rabid dogs, because I don't. 

In the near future I will be showing DMs of you showing your true self as the cannibal slut that you are.

Soon, dear.

Real soon.


