Sunday, September 4, 2022

A Homely Loser Goes On The Attack When Pictures from Pinterest Come Out.

 Do you know who this cow is:

She has the nerve to call us 'grandma' when she looks like a grandma from the old neighborhood.

She is this bitch who came out of her face with this ad hominem attack:

Let's get one thing clear, missy. If you honestly didn't think that Armie Hammer was worth the time you would not have come out with this nasty little dig. You know deep down that Armie wouldn't piss on you much less give you a second glance.  You're homely, and you offer nothing but writing for trash heaps like TMZ.  You stalk Armie in the Caymans like zenblonde and these other sick women.  You are afraid because you know you are losing. Discovery Plus has been caught in a lie and this is a very desperate attempt at stopping this train wreck that women like you created.  Period. So, maybe after you are finished burying bodies on that remote wooded area on Staten Island you might want to take a breather, look up, and see the truth-but I'm not holding my breath.  

She said other ugly things too, but we were ready for her!

Before Bensonhurst Grandma says anything else about anyone's looks,  she should put a bag over her head.  

I believe this bully was inclined enough to block us after being promptly answered to.

