Monday, September 5, 2022

I Save The Big Asshole For Last!

 I saved this review for last because I frankly find this person to be a fool.  First, I will post an answer to the review that addresses my feeling about this idiot very nicely:

Now, let me add to this thoughtful answer.

It's clear that this individual has an obsession with Armie Hammer.  You know enough about him  to check out his box office, yet you are arrogant enough to believe that his movies fail because no one likes him. No.  Hammer simply does films that move him whether the subject matter is box office material or not.  Period. The fact that Sir Kenneth Branagh, Stanley Tucci, the director of Call Me By Your Name and George FUCKING Miller think very highly of this man as an actor trumps anything you believe about his acting, frankly.  

As for his box office, I notice that the people who bring up his box office are ALWAYS haters who come over to Armie Hammer Supporter accounts to point that out-like it means anything considering the fact that up to the point where these Karens and tramps falsely accused him of nonsense Hammer was in full demand in Hollywood.  That's a fact.

You want Armie to be guilty.  This is quite clear.  Well, he's not. This blog is proving that.  

Your'e one of those pathetic people who stalk Armie Hammer Support accounts, aren't you? I smell it on you.  Well, prepare to not get what you want.  Armie Hammer is innocent, and it will be proven thusly.

So, keep watching this stupid doc and keep being disappointed as you sit in your dark room hating on a guy you are jealous of.  If you didn't care you wouldn't even be watching this doc hoping for a good smear.

Armie Hammer will be back and better than ever, and you will just sit there and hate hate hate.

Choke on that hate while you scream at your laptop while taking a shit!

Asshole :D

Will There Ever Be A Time When Clarification Is No Longer Needed?!

Tunison is right, people are quite obtuse.  I will go even further to say that being canceled doesn't necessarily mean forever, nor do I...