Friday, September 2, 2022

"The Boob" Monika Krasnorada As Stalker.

 First things first. This is a picture of that tub o'lard Monika with her former fav and her victim, Armie Hammer himself: screenshot credits from Udonthavlemons and santas buttercup.

From her Tumblr where she uses logic that makes no sense.  Is she fighting for MM or SLeB? Also, most people, unfortunately, fight for their favorites only.  That's a sad reality. However, she is fighting to destroy Armie Hammer which is the worst reality of all.  She is a fat hypocrite who needs to be locked in a Dairy Queen restaurant. 

Not only am I not a Charmie, I am not a fan of Tim Chalamet and find the love affair grown ass women have with him to be creepy in a pedo vibe kind of way.  I became of fan of Armie through The Man From Uncle, as a lot of women did before they were blind stupid enough to believe a pack of lying opportunistic Karens and sluts.

Now, let's witness her stalking of the man who she used to think was a great actor before she started calling him a mediocre one:

Will There Ever Be A Time When Clarification Is No Longer Needed?!

Tunison is right, people are quite obtuse.  I will go even further to say that being canceled doesn't necessarily mean forever, nor do I...