Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Who is Courtney Vucekovich? Let's find out!


She replaced this with the lie about PTSD from her relationship withe Armie Hammer on January 2021:

However, in September of this year she let this little tidbit slip:

Who is Courtney Vucekovich?  She is a mediocre Karen who is a lying snake in the grass who hates her looks so much she was willing to get plastic surgery in order to look like a caucasian death mask!

That's who Courtney is.

Screenshots by armiehammerevidence, you.a.heather, and Udontlavlemons.

Oh, one more thing:
Word of her lies are spreading fast, aren't they?

Thank You PublicBenefit101 for retweeting this. It really made my morning.

Lizzie Borden Uses The Tragic Los Angeles Fires In Order To Promote Herself!

 This woman is absolutely disgusting!   Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.