Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Who is Courtney Vucekovich? Let's find out!


She replaced this with the lie about PTSD from her relationship withe Armie Hammer on January 2021:

However, in September of this year she let this little tidbit slip:

Who is Courtney Vucekovich?  She is a mediocre Karen who is a lying snake in the grass who hates her looks so much she was willing to get plastic surgery in order to look like a caucasian death mask!

That's who Courtney is.

Screenshots by armiehammerevidence, you.a.heather, and Udontlavlemons.

Oh, one more thing:
Word of her lies are spreading fast, aren't they?

Thank You PublicBenefit101 for retweeting this. It really made my morning.

Make It Make Sense, Daniel Bird!

 A piece of shit article in the toilet paper of record The Mirror came out with this nonsense... Stunt casting?  Really?  If you ask me this...