Sunday, October 2, 2022

SNL and Miles Teller Are Flying Monkeys

 It's amazing to me  that Saturday Night Live is still on the air! 

The show has been patently unfunny since the 1990s.

But, when I find out that they are making fun of Armie Hammer, and that Miles Teller, the man who took over Armie's role in The Offer is in the skit,  it just gets me angry.

Miles, I never liked you.  There was always a smugness about you that turned me off, and when you took over ARMIE'S role from The Offer and you did it with absolute entitlement I knew you were garbage.

Josh Duhamel is a man of class, and had contacted Hammer when he took over his role in Shotgun Wedding under the lousy circumstances that befell him.

You did nothing.

You didn't have the insight that he might be innocent, that he might be going through a smear campaign.

You just assumed like everyone else.

This smacks of absolute jealousy to me.

Granted, you are funny looking.

Saturday Night Live is a show that only exists for tourists to New York City. 

Native New Yorkers think the show is a joke.

You know that that show is manned by liberals.

You piece of shit. I hope your time in the sun is short!

This asshole is playing Armie Hammer!  Not even close, faggot!

I can't wait until this skit ages badly, because I can tell you point blank that it will.

BTW, I'm glad that The Offer was critically panned and that Teller got bad reviews for his portrayal.

Screenshots by me.

Will There Ever Be A Time When Clarification Is No Longer Needed?!

Tunison is right, people are quite obtuse.  I will go even further to say that being canceled doesn't necessarily mean forever, nor do I...