Monday, October 3, 2022

So, Now Unexpected Visits Are Considered Creepy?

 The young man with the ghettoized name has a different idea of what social is...

I guess my neighbors coming to my house unannounced to ask to borrow something, or a friend or boyfriend who wants to stop by for a visit is a red flag?!

I guess that means that our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were all creepy because unannounced visits back in the day were quite common, and appreciated.

This young generation is sad and pathetic.

Sitting in front of their computer is clearly a big event for Millennials and Zoomers.

D'Eric Watson is clearly as stupid as he looks.

But, you know, I read a number of tweets that claim that a tall man dating a woman 5'5 and under is a red flag because of pedo vibes.

I'm not kidding.

I wish that I was...

Thank you Team Armie UK2 for this.

Good Fucking Lord...

 Here's Lizzie Borden... I used to like this guy, but I really can't understand what is the constant obsession with protecting these...