Saturday, January 21, 2023

Something That I Need To Get Off My Chest

 A few days ago after Dickoda Johnson made that very nasty joke against Armie Hammer I chose to do a blog post about it.  After I was finished we sent it out and I was informed that we got a response from an account holder saying that my blog entry was disgusting and, that magic word that is bandied about all too much these days, misogynist. This account holder claimed that we didn't need to prove the haters right about our misogyny.  I believe that I need to cover this reaction, and I want it to be known that I am speaking for myself alone, and not the others who also work on this blog which includes my friend whose idea it was to start this blog in the first place.

Armie Hammer is a man who has been falsely accused, as this has been well-established on this blog.  The account holder for whom I am talking about has done a wonderful job in establishing that fact as well.  Truth to tell, if it wasn't for her's and others' accounts I would not have had access to this information. So, I am eternally grateful for the work she has done.  On saying this, however, there is something that I need to make crystal clear.

I don't understand why I need to take the 'higher ground' as it were, to present the case against Armie Hammer's accusers.  This is a man whose life has been completely wrecked by a group of vindictive, greedy, shady women ( and some "men") whose motivations range from anger from being rejected to five minutes of fame to simple old-fashioned greed.  These assholes have accused him from literally eating people ( I still can't get over that one ) to rape, to human trafficking  and to, wait for it, MOLESTING HIS DAUGHTER! Let that sink in, if you will. I have read shit that claims that he was raping children ever since he was a teenager! This man has been vilified, lied about, made fun of, and threatened!  He has been compared to Ted Bundy by an ex-wife who spends her time sticking her fingers way down her throat so as to upchuck food! 

If I say anything that is offensive to anyone, be it calling Lauren Skae a fat tub of lard or Elizabeth Chambers a reptilian trollop, as far as I'm concerned it's nothing compared to the slaughter that Armie Hammer is STILL going through, thank you very much!

As for 'taking the high ground,' I believe that Armie's supporters have done just that all along.  They have not bullied anyone online.  They have not tried to get anyone who disagrees with them suspended from social media.  They have not trolled anyone.  They have not hacked into anyone's account.  Period.

My extreme rage comes from a sense of powerlessness, frankly.  The mainstream media insists on riding the careening train of the #metoo movement.  The accusers have been able to do and say what they want with impunity.  The lies continue and so does the ridicule as well.  Not one YouTuber will cover Armie's case unless it's to parrot the same old bullshit that has been peddled like a sack of cheap goods.  

Shit, even supporters of Depp and Manson think Hammer is guilty, which tells me something about these people. 

It's not about justice, but about sticking up for their man so that they can see him work again.  Nothing wrong with that, but I have to say that Armie Hammer's case made me more attuned to other cases of false allegations as you can see if you check out the links on the side of this blog.  It's ultimately about justice.  

So, excuse me if you are offended by something as little as a snarky comment on my blog.  Your offense is nothing compared to a ruined life, my dear.   

Do you realize that Armie could walk down the street and literally be attacked by some asshole vigilante  who honestly thinks he/ she is doing the right thing?! Do you?!  Lauren Skae and some other woman ( the name escapes me) said that they would accost him and scream out "Citizen's Arrest!" Do you?!

Didn't think you knew.

So, you want to continue to take the high ground then you are welcome to it.

By the way, my colleague told me that she's changed her mind.  

If you want to block her, you can.  

We have everything we need here.

Will There Ever Be A Time When Clarification Is No Longer Needed?!

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