Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Bitch, Please!

 Courtney VKovich trying to get herself out of taking responsibility, as usual...

Hey, Courts! Ppl know now, and this momentum will only build.

So, you better get ready...

Thank you for Vanda Costco for this screen shot. 

And of course, no tub of bullshit would be complete without The Ex From The Black Lagoon trying to do her own form of damage control...

What I find really pathetic is that Lizard needs a man in order to make herself feel like somebody.

Armie is not dating anyone right now.

He doesn't need that validation.

Notice how Liz goes to the same media-in-absentia outlets that destroyed Hammer.  

You know good and damn well she paid these outlets through the nose for these pieces ( of shit ).

Thanks to Silvysthings and Valgal78, both from Tumblr, for these screenshots.

Nice work, guys! 
