Thursday, February 9, 2023

Desperate Measures!

 The MSM is at it again.  They are trying to discredit the claim that Armie Hammer attempted suicide by saying that he said the same thing to Courtney back in June 2020


This wording is very very vague!  Is he even talking about suicide here?!  It seems to be from bits and pieces of a conversation!  

And WHY OH WHY is the source ALWAYS UNNAMED?!?!?!?!?!?

And look!  Misty is the one who posts this on her IG account!

This is sick, ppl!  Real sick.

Thanks to HOE Receipts Twitter for this screenshot.


More from House of Lies IG

Almost getting into fist fights, with a man dying of cancer?! Seriously, Page Six?!

Where are the DMs?! Its' not a hard question!

Well, now!  More addition to the narrative-the dreaded dastardly TIMELINE!!!!!!

Thank you so much house.of.lies. IG

There is one thing that we can be clear about.

This is no more about Armie or his accusers.

This is now about "journalists" keeping face by holding onto a fake narrative that they helped invent BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!!!!

These yellow journalists know that their time is up, and they are doing what they can in order to survive!

They are scared to death!

Know this!
