Sunday, February 5, 2023

More Idiocy!

 Zoe is really scared, isn't she?

What does this even mean?!  What's with the violent imagery?!  

Oh, and guess what?  We as Armie Hammer supporters are apparently MAGA supporters!  I didn't know this, did you?!  

Who knew!

Gee, thanks a lot for letting that I voted for Trump ( actually I voted for the third party candidate ).

What really cracks me up about this woke imbecile's lack of knowledge is that both Courtney Vkovich and Liz Chambers are BOTH Trump supporters!!!!!

This really leaves me speechless.  

But, you know something just occurred to me. 

These ppl couldn't have read the article.  They simply couldn't have.

These ppl have not retweeted the article from AirMailNews.

They're retweeting it from secondary sources.

They couldn't have read the original source.

I would venture to say that they might not have even read the secondary source fully if at all.

This Adam Ellis is gay.  He is woke. He is typical of someone who suffers from cultural amnesia.   He forgets that back in the day he would have been seen as a deviant, as my friend here so aptly puts it.

I'm really looking forward to Trump's return to Twitter. 

At this point, I really am.

Something to add.  

As activist Diana Davison said about Ronan Farrow, the world of gay sex has a moral code that is, shall we say, very different from that of the world of  straight sex.  So, it is  quite possible that Ronan Farrow has stuff in his dossier of sexual escapades that you could blackmail him with.  Stuff that he doesn't want the public to know about.  

Same with Adam Ellis...

Dear Adam, I do hope that your house is not only clean-it's downright spotless!

Just as you said to Armie Hammer...

Try again.
