Tuesday, February 7, 2023

No Liberal Hypocrite Buzzfeed! It's YOU Who Doesn't Get It!

Facts don't care about your feelings.

-Ben Shapiro

Conservative Commentator

 I couldn't believe this load of bilge that Buzzfeed excreted out of its woke butthole...

This blithering idiot has a real reading comprehension problem.  This is clear.

I've read the article.

He hurt these women because they wanted to be his girlfriend and he only saw them as Good Time Gerties.

I've been dumped.  It was not abuse.  

Granted, it wasn't nice.

But it was not abuse.

Hammer explained that the "rape" was actually BDSM cosplay, which is referred to as CNC or consensual non-consensual-a pretend rape scenario.

He also explained how the abuse  that he is accused of was not abuse, but consensual play that the accusers greatly exaggerated to the point of perversion.  

I can't believe that this is what's it's come to.

Facts don't seem to matter anymore.

Only feelings.

Only freaking feelings...

Thanks to MafaldaKnows Tumblr for this screenshot.
