Wednesday, March 1, 2023

A Tale Of Three Women

 The first woman is Taylor Lorenz, blue checker extraordinaire...

Remember, this is the same dumb bitch of a "reporter" who did the story on Jason Mamoa testifying at Johnny Depp's trial...

Only it never happened.

She took video from some interview with Jason Mamoa from some unreliable source and posted it as news!  I kid you not!  

Talk about crack reporting!

Not, let's talk about Misty...

First, a word from houseinhabit.

You said it, Sister!

Then, Good Golly Ms. Molly McPherson

I do have to agree with her here...

If Armie were to go to the mainstream media, those animals would have filtered the interview by leaving things out and twisting what he said in order to suit THEIR NARRATIVE!!!!!

I hate to say this, but it took A MAN to do the work that women refuse to do-and that's research bitch

Clearly airbrushing her picture on Twitter is a stark contrast to how old she really looks on TikTok!

And now, Misty...

For the record, I don't believe that this message to Effie is real.  Sorry.

Thanks to house.of.lies, simpi.lovemyway, udonthavlemons, and houseofreceipts, all on IG

Also, Thanks to Risa Twitter and ThatUmbrellaGuy Twitter
