Sunday, March 5, 2023

Exactly What Did You Mean, Variety?


Did you mean that the audience groaned at the fact that he was talking about Armie, or did the audience have some sense and were actually offended that he would kick a man while he's down.

Remember when Rebel Wilson took that dig at Armie at the BAFTA awards and people were uncomfortable with it?

If I were to call this idiotic unfunny "comedian" what I really wanted to call him I would be going into really nasty territory,  so I will just hope that this Minhaj person has a very short and not too flourishing career in show business.

Nothing is due this idiot because he is a man of non-europeans descent! A career in comedy is not due him.  I really am not liking this ugly sense of entitlement that these so called "marginalized" people seem to be having these days-and all at the expense of those "evil straight white men!"

Let's stop bashing this particular demographic, please.

As for Variety, I don't think that the audience was groaning at the mention of Armie, I think they were groaning at the tasteless bullying that was past off for humor.   I could be wrong, but your take on events at this point is really tiresome! Maybe the audience simply found the joke in poor taste.  Period.

You yellow journalists of the MSM twist things to suit your narrative, so I'm really incredulous that you MSM players couldn't understand why Armie went to James Kirchick and AirMail Weekly and not you clowns! 

Why do you think that when Ashley Morgan Smithline told the TRUTH about Marilyn Manson not being a criminal she didn't go to any of you guys for an interview?!

Maybe if Minhaj had told the joke before the interview it would have gotten a better reception, but this joke was post AirMail Weekly interview so it sounded like a major fail.

Not only is this so-called comedian unfunny he's ugly to boot.  Bleh!  He looks like a sleazy salesman of stolen goods.

Minhaj, if that's your name, you have no class.  I don't even think better comedians like David Chapelle, Bill Barr or CK Louis went there with Armie.  That's because they know what cancel culture is and what it does, and that at least two of the comedians that I mentioned were subjected to it and that Bill Barr has a real problem with it!  

Let's be clear Minhaj!  You are a lesser comedian.  You are a bully.  

And you won't be remembered.

I will die on the hill with that one, and you can take that to your grave.

Thank you you.a.heather IG for this.

An addition that made my day, thanks to Ginger1982


Thank you house.of.lies IG

Will There Ever Be A Time When Clarification Is No Longer Needed?!

Tunison is right, people are quite obtuse.  I will go even further to say that being canceled doesn't necessarily mean forever, nor do I...