Monday, June 10, 2024

Margot Wood, Resident Dumb Cunt And No Talent Woke "Writer."

 This dumb bitch says that her favorite cause is curing brain tumors because of her father.

I personally believe it's because she herself is so fucking stupid that she might as well has a brain tumor herself.

And, for the record, I don't give a rodent's ass about her stupid father!

Does this nonsense even make sense?! 

I don't know about you guys, but I have really had it with the complete disregard and disrespect that straight white males have been getting.   This queer little idiot, and others who belong to a "marginalized"group clearly suffer from cultural amnesia!   Now that these creatures have more power in the world, they feel like they can dump on someone simply because they belong to a particular demographic! 

And these ppl wonder Trump has a very good chance of winning the presidency for a second time.

Let's take a look at this little asshole...

This jackass sounds about as interesting as a doorknob.

And, she's unattractive to boot!   Look at her sad attempt at 80's fashion.

Why can't these millennials be a bit more original?

It seems like every asshole out there wants to write Young Adult novels.   

Maybe because they think it's easy.

Isn't that other nincompoop, Dylan Farrow, writing Young Adult novels about a dystopian future?

Just cry rape and you can get a book deal, but I digress.

Wow.   Talk about woke!   Why, in the Name of God, would you call your creepy little book a "comedy" and then throw in an incident of sexual assault for good measure?!   

Does she think sexual assault is funny?

Margot Wood is just another creepy woman trying to make a name for herself by bashing on straight white males!

If that little brain tumor of hers wasn't effecting her better judgment, she would have done some research on Armie's case and realized that all of those cannibalism DMs were and are FAKE!


As female stupidity continues...

Screenshots by you.a.heather IG and myself.
