Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Take a look at this family!

They are fucking people!

They are human beings!

Get over it! 

And take a good long look! 

This is what gets lost in all of the bullshit of bullying, judging, punishing, mockumentaries, fake and altered DMs, stalking, lies and exaggerations, the need for clickbait, the need to feel superior on your high horse of a platform! 

Take a good long look...

...then look in the mirror.  

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshot!

@lindarshian @kj_n_kc @mamastewart_76-Resident Idiots!

 Get your facts straight before you go around accusing Armie and his mother of being screwed up like Liz Chambers!

I am so sick of people who want to avoid the fact that maybe they were wrong to judge this man!  Just condemn the whole family!  Real easy!  

Is @lindarshian even wearing any clothes in her icon picture?!  Talk about being screwed up, and gross!

@kj_n_kc Calling every family member involved gross is rather immature as it is obvious that you have not looked into Armie's case.  

@mamastewart_76 Saying that there isn't a "good guy" in this situation is, again, very immature as you obviously don't know this case.  

These women choose to ignore their own grossness by the fact that they have judged a man by looking into his PRIVATE conversations and encounters which were NONE OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!

If that's not gross behavior, then I don't know what is!

It's voyeurism, and these three judgmental assholes participated FULLY in it with the blessing of the MSM and SM! 

Look in the mirror, bitches!

Doesn't it tell you something about these jerks that they would even bother to tune in to Grand Cayman starring Armie's ex wife?  Why would they do that.?  

Because they wanted more dirt on Armie Hammer, and they are angry that they didn't get it!

And, for the record, these fools are commenting on an interview with Dru Hammer about the Hammer family and her son in particular!

Follow, follow, follow like the hypocritical voyeurs that you all are!

Why can't these idiots do their research instead of dismissing all family members outright!?  It doesn't take much.  The AirMail interview and the Hollywood Reporter Article by Tatiana Siegel are on the side of the blog in the links.

For the record, Candace Owen thinks that Armie is "gross," but she also thinks that the consenting women he was involved with are also gross and that Armie was a victim of a #metoo hoax.   This is a demonstration of maturity, because she looked at the evidence.


I have here wise words of wisdom that these dumbasses will probably not heed.

Thank you, theseshipsshallsail Tumblr!  

Thank you very much!

Conflicted About Armie Hammer? That's Your Problem,Tasha Robinson!

 I am going to post an op-ed piece from a website I've never heard of called Polygon, 

because I think that the piece is a perfect example of the tiresome ppl who have not paid attention to Armie Hammer's case.

There is no Armie Hammer problem.  Only a one-sided MSM/SM problem.

Listen, sweetie.  Ppl have been dealing with an artist's real world behavior since forever.  This has never been an issue, as past generations have been able to deal with an artist's real-world behavior by accepting that ppl can be complicated individuals.   This is something that your generation seems to have a big problem with, which I can only conclude to be immaturity.

Let me give you some examples:

Pablo Picasso.  Paul Gauguin.  David Bowie.  Ted Nugent.  Patricia Highsmith.  Rob Lowe.  H.P. Lovecraft.  Marlon Brando.  Elvis Presley.  Russell Crowe.  Hedy Lamar.  Errol Flynn.  Brigitte Bardot. Gina Carano. Mel Gibson...

I could go on and on with this list, but I digress.  

Let's continue.

Oh, how magnanimous of you to appreciate the fact that Hammer was indeed kink-shamed and his privacy was violated!  

My, my!  She was even able to see that the MSM and SM were all to happy to make fun of this man through "endlessly self-righteous interest"!

For the record, many of these DMs that you're talking about have been either heavily altered, entirely faked, or both.

As for the victim blaming, exactly what the fuck are you talking about?!  You have clearly not been paying any attention!  There was never any victim blaming!  The MSM and SM have taken the side of the women from day one!  Armie Hammer was judged and punished and exiled from the first appearance of these DMs!  Armie Hammer himself talks about the immediate hate he received as soon as he went into his account on that first day!

The culture of disbelief has nothing to do with any of these women, because it didn't happen.   Period.

The culture of disbelief has everything to do with assuming that a man is guilty without looking at the facts.  This is what you have been doing in this stupid piece of yours as you clearly think Hammer is guilty.  You call these women victims when there is objective evidence to prove that they were willing participants in his fantasies.   

Read this blog.  Read the Airmail interview.  Read the article in the Hollywood Reporter by Tatiana Siegel.  The notion of a "he said, she said" scenario doesn't exist here.  Look at the goddanm evidence!

Did you know that Tatiana Siegel had to remove her name from the piece initially because of all of the hate she got from ppl like you?!

Do you know about  the ex wife's part in the smear campaign?!  No!  Of course you don't!  Your ignorance about the case screams in this article!  You say you didn't want to give him a free pass, yet you give the women a free pass!  


Let's continue.

This is a perfect excuse for someone like yourself who doesn't want to look at the evidence against these women!  You are talking a great game here so that you don't have to admit that you might have been wrong to pass judgement so quickly on this man!

Let's go on.

You claim that no one needs yet another yammering voice, but that's exactly what you're doing here.   Your pontifications signify nothing but self-righteous and self-pitying bullshit.  You whine because your "favorite spy movie" has been "ruined" by that big bad straight white male Armie Hammer!  

Oh, the horror of it all.

Give me a fucking break, lady.

Let's continue.

This first paragraph gets my blood boiling!  First off, he deserves a comeback because he's done nothing wrong!  

Second, I am quite pleased with the men who he had selected "carefully" as his interviewers!   These are men who would most definitely give him a sympathetic ear, as the whole fucking MSM-ppl like yourself I might add-have done nothing else but question him about his "treatment"of these broads!  Armie will never subject himself to that withering finger questioning that you so desperately want!  He's had that for three fucking years!  Why should he subject himself to such bullshit, just so that you can have your own tiresome sense of feminist outrage satisfied?!  This isn't about you, Tasha! 

Why hasn't anyone question these female shysters who you so clearly believe without question!?  What about their culpability?!  Do you know that one of his accusers harasses his 10 year old daughter with rape threats?! Do you even give a fuck?! 

Oh, wait.  You'd probably blame Armie for that, right?  After all, he had an affair with this nut job.

In other words, you'd victim blame.  Because we should always believe the women.

Downplaying?  There is no downplaying.  The sex was consensual.  Period.  The problem is that you want there to be a crime.   You even speak of a possibility of  a "second act" in the future.  This is what you want.  This is in your head.   The man was under investigation for over two fucking years, bitch!  What "second act"?! 

A Hollywood comeback checklist of things that he needs to stay.  Interesting.  Are you not following the script of "believe all women" with this bilge that you write?

You say that the timing is weird because The Man from U.N.C.L.E. appeared on Netflix at the same time that Armie started giving his interviews.  You don't know how ridiculous you sound here.  Are you a follower of Alex Jones?  This smells of conspiracy theory to me.  Lord have mercy on this woman's stupidity and utter gullibility

Next piece of this garbage, please.

My God.

This was a tiresome read.

Same old crap.

You clearly have not been paying attention to any of the turn of events that throws the veracity of the women's claims into question. 

You know nothing about this case, and I will die on this hill.

You claim to not want to be part of the "black and white" mob, but you are.

You have decided that Armie Hammer is guilty.

You claim that you don't want to be another "yammering" voice, but you are.

This is just another piece of shit article that you wrote for clicks.

If there are other ppl who read this article and think it's a piece of shit like I do, I will be sure to publish their opinions here.  Do you know why?  Because it is shit.

Believe that.

Screenshots by myself.

This is an excellent video about separating the artist from the art, something that Tasha Robinson clearly has a problem with.   The Man from Uncle film doesn't need fans like her, I'd venture to say.

This is the website where this garbage op-ed piece came from.

It's not a link.  This is to make clear that there is no stealing here.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Play Misty For Me, Yet Again...

 Poor Misty is looking for attention again.

How fucking tiresome...

If you are not to be named, then you are not to be trusted.

This "man" is probably Effie herself.

Broken dreams?!

What?!  Being the best whore in LA?!

Credit to you.a.heather IG and arrowstp IG for the screenshots.

Be Warned, Lizzie Borden! Maybe Armie Will Protect You Because You Are The Father Of His Children, But We Will Not Be Silenced!

 We will not rest until your reputation is irreparably ruined!  We will make sure that any protection you enjoy right now will be gone forever!  

Ppl, please read Armie's interview in AirMail and any interview with James Kirchick concerning the interview! 

All the information you need can be found on this website!

I will not lie to you.   I have been very disappointed in Armie Hammer.  In the AirMail interview he told the truth about his Lizzie Borden,  but in the interviews on Club Random and Piers Morgan he was more protective of the bitch-even going as far as to put the blame on the failure of the marriage squarely on his own lap!


But we here on this website will never protect Lizzie Borden!

Any dirt we can find on Lizzie Borden will be on this website for the world to see!

Believe that!

Something that you guys need to think about.

Lizzie Borden is running scared now.

The AirMail interview revealed her role in the smear campaign.

Effie herself revealed that Lizzie Borden conspired with her to bring down Armie by having Effie falsely accuse Armie of rape.

Us Magazine revealed that Gloria Allred had dropped Effie as a client because she wouldn't sign an affidavit saying that Armie raped her!

A former friend came forward to reveal that Lizzie Borden used her email to pose as someone else in order to spread rumors about Armie.

The reality tv show Grand Cayman ended up effectively backfiring on Lizzie Borden, showing her true colors for the world to see.   Talk about a miscalculation.

Make no mistake about it.

Lizzie Borden is desperate.

She is a rabid cur caught in a trap, and she's snarling her way out of the mess that she made!

Know this.

Rumor has it that Lizzie Borden has had affairs herself.

Remember, Lizzie Borden has connections with Page Six.

I suspect that Lizzie Borden probably threatened Armie in some way or another, don't you?

Why the fuck would you mourn for all involved?!  Those women were and are vipers!

These women were puppy dogs because they wanted to be the next Armie Hammer and have all of the privileges that went with that title-like what Lizzie Borden had!

She "reacted appropriately."

Armie didn't say this at all in the AirMail interview.

Lizzie Borden got to him.

Threatened him.

Know this...

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Misty Spilling The Beans?!

 I couldn't believe it when I saw this!  

It's amazing to me how lying about your abuse "earns" you a blue check on SM.   NONE of these bitches earned anything!  

Need I say more...?

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

This Is Good To See!


This writer makes a beautiful point!   The Left Wing are always about giving convicted felons a second chance after serving their time, but this same group were very quick to condemn Armie Hammer in the theater of public opinion!  They were not interested in any evidence that showed that the women were lying!  They were not interested in the fact that Ol' Lizzie Borden orchestrated a vicious smear campaign against him, and they were not interested in examining the role that the MSM had in their irresponsible writing about the case-NYPost included, I'm afraid!

The article is in the link section of my blog.

Check it out.

In the meantime...

This is a piece of shit article and I have no doubt who the "source" is.

Lizzie Borden, get your grubby Nouveau Riche hands off of his career and his fucking money BITCH!!!!

The only two cannibal here is Ol' Lizzie Wizzie!

Thank you to you.a.heather IG and houseofeffiereceipts IG and X for the screenshots.

BTW, another good thing to see...

This is very nice to read!

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshot of Lizzie Borden closing shop at Mykonos Steak House after one stinking year...
