Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Be Warned, Lizzie Borden! Maybe Armie Will Protect You Because You Are The Father Of His Children, But We Will Not Be Silenced!

 We will not rest until your reputation is irreparably ruined!  We will make sure that any protection you enjoy right now will be gone forever!  

Ppl, please read Armie's interview in AirMail and any interview with James Kirchick concerning the interview! 

All the information you need can be found on this website!

I will not lie to you.   I have been very disappointed in Armie Hammer.  In the AirMail interview he told the truth about his Lizzie Borden,  but in the interviews on Club Random and Piers Morgan he was more protective of the bitch-even going as far as to put the blame on the failure of the marriage squarely on his own lap!


But we here on this website will never protect Lizzie Borden!

Any dirt we can find on Lizzie Borden will be on this website for the world to see!

Believe that!

Something that you guys need to think about.

Lizzie Borden is running scared now.

The AirMail interview revealed her role in the smear campaign.

Effie herself revealed that Lizzie Borden conspired with her to bring down Armie by having Effie falsely accuse Armie of rape.

Us Magazine revealed that Gloria Allred had dropped Effie as a client because she wouldn't sign an affidavit saying that Armie raped her!

A former friend came forward to reveal that Lizzie Borden used her email to pose as someone else in order to spread rumors about Armie.

The reality tv show Grand Cayman ended up effectively backfiring on Lizzie Borden, showing her true colors for the world to see.   Talk about a miscalculation.

Make no mistake about it.

Lizzie Borden is desperate.

She is a rabid cur caught in a trap, and she's snarling her way out of the mess that she made!

Know this.

Rumor has it that Lizzie Borden has had affairs herself.

Remember, Lizzie Borden has connections with Page Six.

I suspect that Lizzie Borden probably threatened Armie in some way or another, don't you?

Why the fuck would you mourn for all involved?!  Those women were and are vipers!

These women were puppy dogs because they wanted to be the next Armie Hammer and have all of the privileges that went with that title-like what Lizzie Borden had!

She "reacted appropriately."

Armie didn't say this at all in the AirMail interview.

Lizzie Borden got to him.

Threatened him.

Know this...

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.
