Friday, July 19, 2024

Generic 230 On Reddit Is Jackass!

 I would like to ask this idiot a question?

What victims?!

Did we read or hear the same articles and podcast?

Now, I can see how the articles in the MSM would filter things to their satisfaction for the #metoo hoard.

But, you also said you heard his interview on the podcast.   Really?!

There were no victims in this case.

Did you not pay attention to the evidence that was doctored up by these "victims?"

You clearly didn't get the fact that he was a victim of a smear campaign!

It just goes to show that you can present an idiot the facts to a case and they still won't see the facts if they don't want to.

Do you believe that the Earth is flat, dear...?

With an understanding like this, I'd just assume reject it.

While he took responsibility for hurting these women by walking out of the relationships he had with them, he made it quite clear that none of them were sexually or  physically abused- nor were they coerced.


You say that you "don't think that anyone here has read the articles or listened to the podcast."

While I do believe you've read the filtered articles,  I don't think you listened to the podcast.   You couldn't have.

As a personal fan of Armie's, I would have to say Thanks but No Thanks.

Oh,  BTW,  I'm not a fan of Marilyn Manson or Til Lindeman.  However, I would like to see these men flourish again.  I would like to see the false accusations against them fairly scrutinized in the MSM for a change.   

You see, unlike you, I don't have to be a personal fan in order to want an individual's life to turn out OK.

Why?  Because I believe in justice.

You just believe in feminism.

That says everything about your character, as far as I'm concerned.

Credit to lordfarquadsexwife Tumblr for the screenshot.
