Sunday, July 21, 2024

Give It A Rest kateneilsonofficial!

 Some ppl will continue to believe a dangerous woman instead of giving Armie the benefit of the doubt.

You have to consider the fact that this woman is a blue checker, and blue checkers have been notorious for  helping to spread this false narrative about Armie, and other falsely accused men like Woody Allen, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp.

The fact that you even believe part of Effie's story is typical and pathetic.

You clearly are not willing to see that Armie may be innocent of any abuse in this case.

What red flags does he has?  He just told you, it was CNC (consensual non-consensual ) which is cosplay in BDSM.

Why doesn't Effie give you red flags?!

Get the fuck got of here with your bullshit!

Will There Ever Be A Time When Clarification Is No Longer Needed?!

Tunison is right, people are quite obtuse.  I will go even further to say that being canceled doesn't necessarily mean forever, nor do I...