Sunday, July 21, 2024

We Will Not Forget, Lizzie Borden!

 We will not forget the fact that you colluded with this gargoyle named Effrosina Angelova!

Listen, ppl do have having affairs with individuals who end up being dangerous in the end.  We all know that this has happened to women for many years.   Why then, when this happens to a man ( like in Fatal Attraction ) ppl are so quick to blame the man who is being targeted by the nut job?!  If this happened to a woman, ppl would be fawning all over this broad with their feminist woke mishmash and self-rightous bilge?!   Just STFU, assholes!

I can assure you, what Misty has to show is completely her fantasy!  Believe that bit of truth!

In this interview with Dru Hammer, Armie's mother, she says that Armie and Liz were SEPARTED at the time of these "affairs" with the other women.  
