This amphibian little bitch is so full of shit...
Credit to you.a.heather IG for the screenshots!
Why, it's Lizzie Borden of course!
This, I guess, is her new boyfriend after her last boytoy dumped her rather unceremoniously.
Postnote: This particular name belongs to the first boytoy who dumped her. Apparently, she used this dude's name for publicity reasons.
From Tumblr!
This poor man uploads a video on his IG account and the vipers can't get enough of their stalking fetish!
This is a perfect example as to why I don't trust the MSM...
This is a movie called Fresh that came out in 2022 on the IMDB website.
Now, this is a bit of nonsense written on the website Screenrant...
When the smear campaign against Armie Hammer first came out, publications stated that the reason why Armie Hammer was fired from Gossip Girl was because he was being really creepy to his leading lady, the ever so precious Blake Lively.
This was a lie!
This is the REAL reason why Armie was fired from the show...
Take a look at this hypocritical old bag...
Do you remember this cunt?
This is Cindy Gallop, the feminist bitch who was all too quick to jump on the" Condemn Armie Hammer" bandwagon without getting her facts straight. She is being interviewed on a YouTube channel called StyleLikeU which seems to specialize in celebrating post-menopausal women and body positivity in general.
This woman claims to "not be a relationship person and dates younger men for sex!"
Give me a fucking break.
You use young men for sex. Armie used young women for sex. What's so different here?
Why is it ok for YOU to parade your sexuality all over the place with your nasty body and face and your sad website, but yet you excoriated Armie Hammer for his sexuality and just assumed he was guilty of abusing women when you didn't have a goddamn, fucking clue about the truth!
Or worse yet. You didn't care about the truth. All you cared about was your women's movement!
You say that you "can't wait to die alone!" WTF does that even mean?!
You say that you want to change the standard of what is considered desirable in a woman as you sit there nearing naked. Are you saying that you want to be that new standard.
Let me tell you something, sweetie.
Back in the day, older women were not interested in screwing everything in sight or changing the standard of beauty so that men would look at them. Older women were far more mature and accepting of aging, as were older men. They accepted their new roles as elders and never looked back, while ppl like you are looking back all of the time-thinking that wearing a bikini at 60 is somehow empowering.
I'm going to tell you something else. If you are an older woman sitting there in your bra and panties bragging about looking forward to dying alone, then guess what...
You are actually very much afraid to die alone.
Why do you think that you use young men to screw.
Why do you think you jumped at the chance to undress yourself for this stupid YouTube channel.
Why do you think you have a porn website that you brag about and promote every moment of your pathetic little life.
Because you are afraid of death.
Because you don't like aging.
Because you are indeed afraid of being alone.
Know this, as you peddle your feminist promiscuity all over the place while condemning Armie Hammer for his promiscuity.
You hypocritical piece of shit.
Jackass writer Tasha Robinson has stated in her sad little piece that she wouldn't be surprised if there was a "second act."
Well, guess what bitch...
There almost was, but these psychopathic trollops were stopped in their tracks!
Two of the most disgusting things that Armie had to put up with were opportunists who dated him under false pretenses!
This is the first tramp who dated Armie. The arm is Armie's and the woman's back has bruises on it.
These bruises are cupping marks and are not the product of abuse! If you don't know what cupping marks are, you can Google it. I do talk about this subject on the blog, but you would have to go back a ways as it was Paige Lorenze who tried to pass off her cupping marks as bruises resulting from abuse. This nonsense is from her IG account.
That's right, that cunt zenblonde. Who else made a "name" for herself by harassing Armie!
Look at this picture.
This woman is in a bathing suit posing rather provocatively. Armie is holding her neck and not in a threatening way. She is showing off her cupping marks while wearing a fucking bathing suit!
This is the bitch...
This woman tried to pass herself off as a" victim" of Armie Hammer and she failed!
She never called the police! She never contacted a lawyer! There was never any reason for her to do so.
What she wanted was her fifteen minutes of fame and never got it! Why? Because I contacted Armie's lawyer so that he could put a stop to this obvious extortion, that's why!
This is the second tramp, who is a no talent comedian named Brittany Schmitt...
She wasn't in a dark place. She was dating Armie and decided to lie about the relationship so that she could further her career!
This is the asshole who talked about her friend ( who turned out to be Brittany ) on that dumb podcast.
But, we Armie supporters know how to fight back!
Apparently, Brittany got her poor little feelings so hurt from the nasty comments ( which she so richly deserved ) that she took the story down from her stupid IG account :D
Andy Signore, the founder of Popcorned Planet who did an excellent job covering the Armie Hammer scandal, made a very salient point on this bitch's motive.
That you, Sir!
I couldn't have put it better myself!
Credit to you.a.heater IG and myself for the screenshots.
Fight the trollop brigade, ppl!
"It is important to note that sometimes this approach to 'cancelling' doesn't have the desired effect."
If only this were true.
Let's get something straight. Armie Hammer NEVER said that being cancelled was liberating! He said that it forced him to get the help that he needed and that the growth he received from that help was liberating!
Get your facts straight!
The canceling of Armie Hammer carried a hell of a lot of weight! He lost everything! His career! His reputation! His privacy! And he almost lost his children!
"Rebellious glamour?!" How do these writers come up with such bullshit?!
This writer is clearly "out of touch" with the evidence against Armie's accusers!
This writer clearly assumes that Armie is guilty.
I am so sick and tired of these talking heads.
Yeah, asshole! They do get more exposure than before. It's called clickbait. Something that you're doing right now.
Credit to you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.
Tunison is right, people are quite obtuse. I will go even further to say that being canceled doesn't necessarily mean forever, nor do I...