Sunday, September 1, 2024

Courtney VKovich's Flying Monkey.

 Ladies and Gentlemen, meet a meathead YouTuber named New Scott.

Just look at this idiot.  And he works out?!  Doesn't look like it.

The reason why I am talking about this clown is because back when that mockumentary House of Hammer came out, he had noticed the fake bite mark that Courney VKovich was passing off as a real bite mark that Armie gave her( He didn't notice it.   An Armie supporter named Sneaky the Fox had taken notice on how weird the bite mark looked and did her research-ultimately finding it on Pinterest and then alerting SM on the find.  Afterwards, the MSM saw this alert and reported on it.)

At first, I was elated.   Finally, ppl were beginning to see that  there was something fishy with the allegations against Armie Hammer.  

But then, something happened.

This complete asshole blamed the producers of House of Hammer while completely letting Courtney VKovich off the hook, explaining away the evidence against her in a most mind blowing way!

Are you freaking kidding me?!

This evidence is of DeuxMoi distancing herself from the train wreck of Courtney being exposed as a liar.

This is evidence of the DM that Courtney had sent DeuxMoi.

And then, this jackass actually stood his ground on how he believed Courtney and how he believed that Armie was an abuser.  He also made it a point to say that he was going to buy the book that this mockumentary was based upon.

He even went as far as to say that the fake bite mark had been "allegedly" found on Pinterest!

I kid you not.

He himself shows this bite mark tattoo from Pinterest himself!   This is from his fucking video!   The fact that it came from Pinterest is not "alleged!"  To say such a thing is simply ludicrous! 

From what I understand, a supporter had contacted this piece of garbage in order to try to talk about the fact that Armie was a victim of a smear campaign and Mr. Not So New Scott had stressed the point that he thought hands down that Armie was guilty.

Why even make the goddam video then?!

It's quite clear that this "man" has a jones for Courtney and would just love to stick his salami in her sewer!   

Can't account for taste if a lying amphibian looking twat is what he goes for, but then again look at him-and he's gullible to boot.   They might make a good pair.

What I will say is that all of the anti Armie videos on YouTube have aged pretty badly and will continue to do so.

Thank God.

In the meantime, if you're interested, the asshole is on YouTube.

He truly might want to consider using steroids.   Working out is supposed to make you look good...

