Sunday, January 5, 2025

Poor, Poor, Monika...

 I can't believe this bitch is still around.  

She must be so angry that Armie is doing well, she can spit the goo that's always forming in her vile and foul mouth.

You have no idea why Armie turned down the role.   Maybe he didn't feel the role was right for him.   It could be for a whole bunch of reasons.

BTW, Monika. 

What are you doing with your life?

Poor, poor mannish ugly Monika.

Still bitter with an account that is actually still a thing.

How much of a thing it still is, is another thing entirely.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Credit to santas_buttercup IG and you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.


Sad update...

The madness continues...
