Friday, September 23, 2022

Cliff Schecter Is An Asshole And A Hypocrite.

 This man is a perfect example as to why I despise the Left.  This pasty white creeper looks like he could easily be a member of the raincoat crowd, with clammy hands and greasy crotch areas on his slacks.

But, you know, if I was a man who was as ugly as Cliffy Boy I would take a dig at handsome Armie as well.

This is the best the Left has?  Really?

He actually sits on the Ohio Innocence Project but yet he was quick to accuse Armie Hammer of being a cannibal.  


I wouldn't trust this idiot to get me off.

What hypocrisy.

You are a journalist, asshole! You couldn't tell that those cannibal DMs were fake?!  It was as plain as day, but I guess dumping on a beautiful, straight white male from an old wealthy family is just too damn easy.

Screenshots by IsArmieHammerInnocent?

I Murder So That I May Come Back.

 Lizzie Borden is back in L.A. full force... Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.