Saturday, September 24, 2022

Reddit Is A Great Place For Stupid

 Reddit is a great place for Armie Hammer haters and enablers of abusers and shysters like Lizard and Misty

Excuses excuses excuses:

Liz is helping Liz and no one else. She has a new agent and publicist to prove it.

We don't even know if Armie wants to return to Hollywood.

Armie paid Allred to drop Effie?!  WTF?!

The excuses keep coming in, as hatred is the means in which you see these.

Do you know I actually read somewhere in Reddit where someone actually believed that Robert Downey Jr was helping Armie Hammer because Downey was blackmailing Hammer?!

I kid you not.  If I can find the screenshot I will publish it.

Screenshots form Team Armie UK 2 Twitter

More Clout Chasers Abound.

 This woman had actually put up a fundraiser for Armie Hammer and she was asking for around 10,000 dollars. For the record, we don't bel...