Friday, September 23, 2022

Two Comments By Two Idiots.

 Armando, as you like to call him, is the most bearable of this whole shit show which you so blindly believed because he is innocent.  If you had bothered to do the research you would know that, so your comment is not very clever as you would like to think.  You gleefully participated in revenge porn because you didn't like him and because you are garbage.

Armie is not the dummy here, you asshole.  He was the most honorable throughout this whole 'scandal' which you believed without question.  Paige is not smart because her serial dating of celebrities and then blaming them for hurting her later is something that will bite her in the ass down the line.

If you had done research instead of jumping to conclusions then you would have known about Courtney's substance abuse a lot sooner.

Is Armie a dummy because he dated two tramps?  You truly are stupid anon, especially if you felt pressured to do things in order to keep a relationship going.  Do you know what I did in situations like that? I left the man.  Not hard to do.  I didn't feel sorry for myself nor played victim like you clearly have in your past, sweetie.

You followed this case because you enjoyed seeing this man in ruins because you are empty inside.  

You hate to see what? What is it you hate to see?  

Armie will be cleared.  Is that what you hate to see? 

Then you have a problem.

Seeing innocent people cleared should be something you would want to see.


Because one day, it could be you.

The four dumbasses who found your comment funny must have a strange sense of humor because there was nothing funny in your stupid comment.

Oh, and BTW for the two of you...

His name is Armand!

Not Armando! 

Gotta love these trifling,  petty bourgeoise douchbags with their high and mighty attitude and condescending bullshit.  Blech...

Screenshots by house.of.lies IG

Lizzie Borden Is...

  Credit to liarlizlying IG and arrowstp IG for the screenshots.