Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Ghoul Named Zoe Rose Bryant

 She really can't stop mentioning anything that has to do with Armie Hammer, can she?

To be very, very clear...

Rebecca (2020) is not the only remake of Rebecca that had been done.  There has been two other remakes of Rebecca done by the BBC years ago.  Google it.

You are only doing this to take a shot of Armie Hammer, and it's immature and catty.

Try getting a life, you pale caucasian death mask, you.

BTW, I thought Rebecca (2020 ) was awesome.

These ppl couldn't have put it better...

Stupid Is As Stupid Does...

  How utterly stupid can you be!   Had this fool been living under a rock for three fucking years?! For three long years SM and the MSM have...