Friday, March 24, 2023

The Democratization Of Twitter That Could Be The Death Knell For #metoo!

 Great news!

Starting on April 1st, Twitter will no longer be offering legacy blue checkmarks on their social media platform anymore.  Legacy blue checkmarks were offered for free for journalists, actors, and other individuals of note.

Now, if one wants to get or maintain blue checkmark status they will have to pay from $8 to $11 a month to do so.

In my humble opinion, I think this is wonderful news!  

This takes away some of the power that blue check journalists have had in maintaining the bullshit narrative of the #metoo movement!

So now, Armie Hammer Supporters and supporters of other wrongly accused men can obtain a blue checkmark-provided that they are willing to pay the fee to do so! 

One of the best Armie Hammer Supporter accounts has a blue checkmark now, and that's House Of Receipts Twitter!  Check her out in the link section!

It also means that charlatans like Casey Hammer and Courtney Vkovich, who claim to be Mental Health Care Advocates, will have to pay like everyone else if they have Twitter accounts! 

I believe that blue checkers will also be offered special features that were previously not offered, like ad free options among other things.

There were big babies formally on Twitter who have since left, like Amber Heard for example.

This is a cause of celebration, frankly!

Granted, you can have Armie Hammer haters who can get their own blue checkmark where they can continue to spread the bullshit but we've already had that with the legacy blue checkers. 

This time around, you will have blue checkers who will counter the balderdash and flapdoodle of #metoo!

I don't know about you, but I'm celebrating by going to that new Afghan restaurant that just opened up in my neck of the woods!

I've always wanted to 'check' it out... now I have an excuse!

Take care, people :D


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