Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving From Lizzie Borden And Some Idiots From Daily Fail!


soundoftownhall and cindyloohoo really get my goat! 

Soundoftownhall is the first idiot I'm going to address!

 Number one, Armie's "bad behavior" was not bad behavior!  You might have the sexuality of a cloister nun but there are others who don't!  He did nothing wrong!  Number two, to say that Lizzie Borden should go away too implies that she should disappear along with Armie!  How dare you! You seem to know that Lizzie Borden betrayed Armie but you still think that Armie is guilty of hurting women.  That being the case, why are you disgusted with him being sat up then.  He's a bad person but it was terrible that he was set up-MAKE UP YOUR DANMED MIND!!!   Know your facts about the case before you make a comment about it!  Oh, and BTW, I agree that Lizzie Borden should go away-but then again so should you!  Dumbass!  You didn't have a problem with Ol Lizzie using her ex husband's "bad behavior" did you, as you followed and sniffed out the whole "scandal" former more dirt, just to satisfy your sick need to invade a man's privacy-and for your own sick sense of entertainment!  You sick fuck! 

Now cindyloohoo is next! 

Reserve your sympathy for the children, not this one.  Interesting.  You, like all of the other assholes who followed Armie's nightmare, lapped this shit up like alley dogs in third world countries and simply couldn't get enough!  You even tuned in to that stupid reality show hoping to get more dirt on Armie from her, am I right?!   If you truly had any "sympathy for the children" then you would not have followed the story! You would not have clicked on articles on the internet!  You would not have tuned in to any stupid tv report nor picked up a periodical!  And you would not have tuned in to that reality show!  You would have respected the privacy of the children by respecting the privacy of their father-and you didn't do that! You remind me of the idiot who claims to care about the economy while voting for Trump! 

Utter hypocrisy from you both! 


See this?  Even this loathsome character is suspicious of this story!

Credit to arrowstp IG and you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Ladies And Gentlemen! A New Podcast Called Clout Chaser With Paige Lorenze!

 She even wants to have the same style podcast as her "victimizer."

If anyone can't see by now that this bitch is an opportunist, they I have nothing to say.

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshot.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch...

 Deal with this reality, assholes!

Screenshot from Tumblr!

Wait!  There's more!

Screenshot by santas_buttercup IG.

People Still Refuse To Get It, Even When The Truth Is Right In Front Of Their Faces: Examples Of Living In the Age For Post Truth.

 This shit reminds me of all of those assholes who voted for Trump, in spite of all of the red flags that were in front of them.

The average person just can't handle the truth...

The sad parade begins...

First off, he's not your bro.  Second, how can this fact not give you a red flag about Lizzie Borden?!

Did you listen to the audio, you stupid dingbat?!  I've listened to this video several times!

Also, where are these women that you are talking about?!

This particular young idiot @adrianavelascop ( is that an instrument used in gynecology or something )

seems particularly obsessed with Armie.  She posted more truth denying shit like shit.

There were never cannibals in that family, you stupid shit.   However, if there is one good thing about Trump's win it's that this little asshole will know what cannibalism is when Trump makes his life miserable.

You clearly don't know anything, because Armie has done nothing.   

Wow.   Just wow.   

Wrong.  He did not destroy his own career.  You are being willfully ignorant.  The DM were either altered or fake, just like the recordings taking to consensual grown ass women!  Christ! 

This woman is awfully obsessed with Armie,  don't you think?

What an empty life you must have.

Strong grammar and spelling skills are very important, especially if you are going to comment on something that the public will read.

Considering that your spelling is poor and that you honestly believe Armie is a real life cannibal, it shows me just how stupid and uneducated you are :D

For you to believe that House of Hammer is a legit documentary tells me that you must believe every lie that Trump tells you.

We know that the recordings are his voice, you stupid cunt! That's not the point!  The point is he was talking to, and I'm going to say it again, consensual grown-ass women!  The other point is that her side of the conversation was never aired!     

The willful ignorance is just enormous! 

You stupid, potato-jowled hag trying to hide your age by mismatching foundation and hair over your stupid face.   Go masturbate over the fact that your man Donald Trump won, since you most certainly fit into that pathetic demographic.   Voting for abortion rights, bullying Armie Hammer supporters and then voting against a woman because she didn't look like you.

Get the fuck out of here.

Help what?!  Read the goddamn articles, idiot!

Already answered by liarlizlying, thank you very much. 

the sad parade begins...

This loser is basically spamming the same immature message as far and wide as he can, with his stupid hipster picture of his pathetic self.

Maybe this world really does deserve Trump.

Now, here's someone who gets it...

Groupthink!  Absolutely fucking right!  

And, let's be clear about this groupthink!

This is the same kind of behavior that Trump elected!

'Nuff said!

Credit to liarsizlying and you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.

Time To Take The Garbage Out!


Is this the kind of idiocy that they teach in top universities these days?!

Credit to arrowstp IG for the screenshots.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Stupid Is As Stupid Does...


How utterly stupid can you be!  

Had this fool been living under a rock for three fucking years?!

For three long years SM and the MSM have done nothing but show those altered DMs for everyone to see!  

If you want to see them, I'm sure googling for them will do the trick!  

That way, @100gallonsoilspill, you can masturbate over these DMs until your sick little heart is content!

Judging from that picture of you on your profile, I'll bet you're creepy enough to do it too-juicing over private DMs between consensual adults that were not meant for public view.

BTW, Paige and Courtney aren't prostitutes.

Only Effie is.

Credit to you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.

Monday, November 11, 2024

A Pathetic Example Of Typical, Selective Reporting.

 Get a load of this sad bullshit...

There was so much that was talked about during this episode with his mother, and this is what this pathetic 

little twit named Courtney Ciandella picked to cover from the podcast.

Typical, nasty little vindictive feminist bilge.

Hey, Courts.   Your little temper tantrum is seeping through.

Angry that Armie crawled through your feminist broken glass and came back the other side with a podcast that's growing in popularity and his first role in a film in four years.

And this little idiot probably can't understand the backlash of this immature, left-wing crap that happened on November 5.

Meanwhile, more bullshit...

Yeah, that's it.  This person is jealous and indignant of the fact that Armie is able to make a comeback at all, and on his terms.

Armie wasn't stupid.  What the hell is wrong with talking to someone about your sexual fantasies with another consenting adult?!

A "bizarre podcast' that you couldn't wait to tune into, right?

The one sane response so far...

Hey, Nikki!  Maybe you can get a lobotomy, you stupid cunt!

Credit to you.a.heather for the screenshots.
