A piece of shit article in the toilet paper of record The Mirror came out with this nonsense...
Stunt casting? Really? If you ask me this article is nothing more than a stunt to get clicks.
Excuse me.
On to my commentary.
I really need to address something to Mr. For The Birds.
If it's true that "people don't want to work with him," why is it that he just finished two films? Why is it that he's being offered a Netflix series? Why is it that he chose to walk away from a film role in the Philippines?
In this poorly written article, you contradict yourself. You claim that no one wants to work with Armie and then, in both paragraphs that make up your article, you state that Armie claims to be getting offers! Which is it?! How in the hell can you state that no one will work with Armie in spite of the fact that he's getting offers?! He's already finished two films and has an offer for a Netflix series.
Can it get anymore Hollywood than that?
Not only do you contradict yourself in the article, you don't even follow basic writing rules.
I mean, seriously.
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to make the first paragraph focus on Armie being a supposed pariah in Tinseltown and then having the second paragraph focus on this said pariah talking about all of the offers that he's getting?
These are basic rules to writing that you learn about in high school, Genius!
Also, something that has been getting to me about your article after reading it.
Who is the "source" that you spoke to?
Does this "source" even exist?
Let me tell you something, Mr. For The Birds.
The only thing that is "just a dark and menacing presence" is you.
You are a bully searching for clickbait.
If Armie is such "damaged goods" then why did the film "Crisis" get a strong viewership in the theaters and on streaming? In case you don't know, "Crisis" was the film that came out right after those silly bogus allegations came out.
No answer?
Now, about that source.
I think I know who the source was.
Can I take a guess?
Was it a certain cunt with the kind of legs that would make a jerboa blush...?
Do better, you son of a bitch.
Credit to arrowstp IG and you.a.heather IG for the screenshots.