Not only is this a desperate and pathetic attempt at clickbait, it strangely reads almost like that piece of shit article that Daniel Bird wrote for The Mirror...
Hold on, it gets worse.
Sicko. Depraved. Perv.
Nasty stuff, huh?
Let's get one thing clear.
The only depraved, sicko perv here is you-anonymous coward! When will you guys stop harassing this man with your twisted fantasies about him?!
Also, to be clear, he did not" barely dodge" being indicted. The DA Gascon has said that he was not going to charge Armie far back in December of 2021 because there was no case. Go to TMZ. They have that bit of information.
You have not revealed anything. Armie has two films in the can and he's been offered a Netflix series.
You seem to imply that Armie might be lying, but you give no evidence of this. You won't name your source because, quite frankly, you don't have a source.
Number one, Courtney Vucekovich is a lying cunt. This is a well-established fact. She was, and probably still is, a wannabe Mrs. Armie Hammer.
This is such a rip-off of Mr. Daniel For The Bird's article.
Not only is this article nasty and defamatory, it's also plagiarism.
Just read the article from The Mirror in my last blog entry.
Wait. There's more...
He might not have a hankering to ingest human flesh, but you most certainly do have a hankering for Armie's flesh-or you wouldn't be writing this crap or any crap about Armie every chance you can get.
The only wannabe Hanibal Lecters are Little Courts and yourself- Oh Anonymous Writer- the last word being used quite loosely.
Eck. More from these losers at RadarOnline...
Psycho. Another interesting word that you pick. Projection much?
You claim that audiences don't want to see Armie. Has a poll been conducted? Is there evidence of this? How can you prove this?
I wonder who this "insider" is.
Are we still on that story about the hunting trip?! Did you even bother to hear that he was A CHILD when he was taken on this trip?! Did you know that eating an animal heart is a tradition in hunting?!
Then again, you hunt down and eat up celebrities like Armie for a living.
Am I right?
I'm afraid there's more of this bilge...
Oh, well.
That's the story.
Wait until you see the byline.
Radar Staff.
The stuff of cowards.
Screenshots by me and me alone.
Some have speculated that Lizzie Borden is not only the "source" in this article, she may have written this slop herself.
When you read this article, it reads like an unhinged woman who has been scorned.
The language seems similar to the language that is used by Lizzie Borden on her insufferable IG account and it is the way she expresses herself, whether it be in presentations she gives or interviews she participates in.
Something to ponder on.